Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Day After America Elected Obama

Last night, nearly 100 million citizens engaged in their democracy and showed up to pull the lever - and the conclusion is that, for the first time in a long time, we voted down the Republican candidates and voted up the Democrats and the first black President? At the same time, we voted in California, to uphold the traditional and Biblical definition of marriage, while allowing doctor assisted end of life measures and legal use of "illegal" drugs.

Senator Obama's first words as President-elect showed promise of humility, inclusiveness, and pragmatic problem solving. Only time will tell what these soaring words will look like - but I expect a thoughtful decision maker, who leans on the pragmatic needs of the country as a whole more than making the Democratic majority congress happy. I could be dead wrong, but so could the scared conservative nay-sayers.... and only time will tell. For now, over 60,000,000 Americans voted for Obama - and he deserves a chance, our support, and let's see what happens.

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